The word balancing act was not only invented for the circus ring. This is definitely also for you to strike a balance between your fashion career, life and family.
You want to spend enough time with your family, able to pursue your own hobbies and, if possible, work in the fashion industry that is fun and promises flexible working hours. A good work-life balance with family is not easy.
Parents often feel like they are on the treadmill, serenity and relaxation fall by the wayside.
Fashion work and sandbox games balance: Create to-do lists
Whether for work or private commitments, write down the most important tasks for the next day on a list the evening before. Sort them by importance and cross off what’s done. This structure means that nothing is forgotten and it is easier to think clearly.
Fashion work and sandbox games balance: Think about a new direction in your job
Many people long for a job made to measure, where private tasks can be reconciled with professional ones. With a varied activity in the fashion industry, you can determine your working hours yourself at any time and have good career opportunities. Such a job is ideal for mothers who just want to design fashion trends. They do not have to work full-time in an office.
Fashion work and sandbox games balance: Say goodbye to perfectionism
Women, in particular, want to do everything perfectly in their job as well as in their partnership, household and upbringing. But this quickly leads to excessive demands. Say “No” more often in your private life. Buy the cake for the next party in your fashion company instead of baking it yourself, or simply postpone cleaning the windows for a few weeks.
Fashion work and sandbox games balance: Plan family activities
Consciously spending the rare time with the family together is important for a good work-life balance. Plan activities together on the weekend such as a visit to the zoo or swimming pool, play the best God simulator game or do handicrafts. It is important to break from your computer where you have stored your tasks for your fashion work.
Schedule fixed times for yourself and only do what you enjoy whether reading, exercising or playing computer games. In other words, learn to relax.